Faith, Fitness, & Food Challenge

What if God really did care about what we eat?
What if God really did care about that extra cookie or the 5 cans of pop you drink a day?
Do you really need to include God in your health journey?
God never intended for us to want anything more than we want him. A lot of people rely on food more than God or crave food more than they want God. Food is used for comfort, stress, rewards, depression, and happiness. So how can we really be healthy when we crave food more than we do God? When I first realized this while reading "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst, I knew I needed to make a change and include God in my health journey! 
Lysa TerKeurst states, "The issue was how I felt mentally, spiritually, and physically. It was time to be honest with myself. I knew certain things about myself needed to change but it was easier to make excuses than it was to tackle them head on. But excuses got me nowhere fast, especially when it came to healthy eating." 
HEALTH means the WHOLE person: spiritual, physical, and mental. I felt like many of my accountability groups were addressing the physical part with fitness and nutrition, but, I KNEW we were missing a vital piece to the puzzle: spiritual nourishment, by incorporating God's Word! It didn't take long before My team and I started incorporating Scripture and devotional content in my health and fitness groups. 

If you are serious about establishing healthier habits and achieving personal goals related to weight and fitness, you have come to the right place. My team and I will be sharing Scripture verses, health & fitness tips, and recipes each day through the private challenge group, "Faith, Fitness & Food." This will be a safe place to share your journey (the good, bad, and ugly) and gain a TON of support and friendships along the way.  We will focus as a group on changing our health through whole food nutrition and daily exercise. It will literally be the whole package. You will FEEL good from the inside out. Looking for freedom from the scale? Here it is!

My next challenge group--Hold up, what's a challenge group?
 I'm glad you asked! A challenge group is a community of like-minded people that work together to achieve their health and fitness goals. I have been running these groups for a year with great success, but this one has my heart! Challenge groups are filled with support accountability, encouragement, motivation, and all kinds of things to help you live the healthiest life possible! Recipes, daily tips, meal planning ideas, and a place to log your progress every single day, will keep you on track. I can't wait to see our progress in the group on our relationship with God, our heart, and our health! Be assured that you will also receive 1:1 coaching and support from ME every step of the way! 

How long is the group? The group will run for 5 weeks, with the first week set up as "prep week" to get you ready for the 4-week challenge, and we begin on the date of your choice: Monday, September 4th or Monday, September 18th (just FYI, it takes about one week to get your materials for this group). You will learn what clean eating is, how to make a meal plan, grocery lists, and how to take "before" pictures and measurements so you can track your progress. There are no embarrassing weigh-ins and you can choose to send your "befores" just to me as your coach (to hold you accountable), or just keep them for yourself.

What do I need? In order to participate in the challenge group, you will need to purchase a challenge pack. The All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is by far the most popular option. It consists of 12-months of streaming EVERY fitness program in the Beachbody library (think Insanity, P90X, 21-Day Fix, PiYo, Core De Force, Shift Shop), portion control containers, shaker cup, AND your first month's supply of nutrient-dense Shakeology. Can you imagine getting a FULL YEAR of a gym membership, personal trainer, month of meals, meal plan, and personal coach? That would cost over $500 for sure! This All Access challenge pack is ON SALE right now, for $160! (While I mentioned the book, "Made to Crave" at the beginning of this post, it is not required for this group. I do recommend it as a great read and helpful tool.)

What is Shakeology? Shakeology will be the healthiest meal of your day, packed with over 70 superfoods and absolutely NO artificial ingredients or fillers. There are even vegan options available! If you crave sweets, need energy, would like to have a ton of vitamins in a milkshake form, and FEEL GOOD about what you are putting into your body, this is it! I can't tell you how much EASIER my life has become with making a shake in minutes after a workout, to help me recover, or for an on-the-go breakfast.

(If you already have Shakeology, you can get All Access with the Beachbody Performance line instead, and REALLY be able to crush those workouts! Ask me for more details!)

How about YOU? Are you ready to get started? Are you ready to FEEL good about yourself and TRUST GOD with your health and fitness and be encouraged DAILY to stay in tune with Him? My goal is to help you get fit from the inside out and help you to know that YOU ARE WORTH IT! Invest the time in YOU and see what happens!

Fill out the form below to get started!


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