Daring Greatly Challenge

Losing weight is not complicated. We MAKE it complicated. All kinds of marketing companies tell us you need to do low-fat, low-carb, no carb, micros, micros, ....how on EARTH are we supposed to know what to do? 

We've been told "eat right and exercise" for years. The problem has never been the WHAT, it's always been the HOW. Instead of making it complicated by counting points, calories, or anything else, there is a whole system that uses whole foods (foods closest to the earth) and portion control (clearly defined amounts) to make eating EASY again. "Exercise" no longer equals "gym." Now, you can work out at home, outside, at the gym...anywhere!

So, if clearly defined systems are available to make it EASY, why do SO MANY people still struggle with being overweight? Now, it's not the HOW, but the WHY.

Too many of us are afraid to DARE.
We hold back out of FEAR. We don't want to open up, be vulnerable about our struggles, or ASK for help.

I'm about to make that part easier for you, too.

I had been doing some soul-searching about belonging and vulnerability. God had been laying it on my heart that far too many of us are struggling with many areas of life ALONE. I was struggling, too. To be honest, I still do with certain things. BUT---health and fitness? I have found the answer. I have found BELONGING. It's all about doing life in community.

I became a coach to help other people get healthy, but not just in a 1:1 setting. I KNOW that God created us for community, so that is why I place such high emphasis on my accountability groups, that we call "challenge groups." Here is where my clients find that community. This is a SAFE place for all to open up about struggles, fears, concerns, and celebrate wins, small and large. Challenge groups create the environment that FREES us to DARE GREATLY....TOGETHER.

“We must dare to show up and let ourselves be seen.”

“Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and thing, ’No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough’” (Brene Brown).

This is cultivated, not natural. People who feel this way have developed practices that enable them to hold onto this belief. Living a life defined by courage, compassion, and connection requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen. THIS is what can happen in an accountability group. 

So, I definitely need support for my health and fitness journey. But, what exactly IS a "challenge group?"  A challenge group is a place for like-minded people to work together to achieve their health and fitness goals. These private groups have a ton of SUPPORT, ENCOURAGEMENT, and all kinds of things to help you live the healthiest life possible! Recipes, daily tips and motivation, and a place to log your progress every single day, will keep you on track. This particular group will focus on DARING GREATLY TOGETHER and ways we can be more courageous. The group will be based on the "Daring Greatly" book by Brene Brown, but it is not required to participate. Be assured that you will also receive 1:1 coaching and support from ME every step of the way.

What is the time commitment for this group? The group will run for 5 weeks, with the first week set up as "prep week" to get you ready for the 4-week challenge, and we begin on Monday, October 23, 2017 (just FYI, it takes about one week to receive your materials for this group). You will learn what clean eating is, how to make a meal plan, grocery lists, and how to take "before" pictures and measurements so you can track your progress. There are no embarrassing weigh-ins and you can choose to send your "before" pictures just to me as your coach (to hold you accountable), or just keep them for yourself. The workouts vary in length (based on which program we will choose together, from 22-60 minutes, though most are around 30 minutes long).

What do I need? In order to participate in the challenge group, you will need to purchase a challenge pack. The All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is by far the most popular option. It consists of 12-months of streaming EVERY fitness program in the Beachbody library (think Insanity, P90X, 21-Day Fix, PiYo, Core De Force, Shift Shop), portion control containers, shaker cup, AND your first month's supply of nutrient-dense Shakeology. Can you imagine getting a FULL YEAR of a gym membership, personal trainer, month of meals, meal plan, and personal coach? That would cost over $500 for sure! This All Access challenge pack is ON SALE right now, for $160! (While I mentioned the book, "Daring Greatly" at the beginning of this post, it is not required for this group. I do recommend it as a great read and helpful tool. Ask me about how you can get your copy FREE.)

What is Shakeology? Shakeology will be the healthiest meal of your day, packed with over 70 superfoods and absolutely NO artificial ingredients or fillers. There are even vegan options available! If you crave sweets, need energy, would like to have a ton of vitamins in a milkshake form, and FEEL GOOD about what you are putting into your body, this is it! I can't tell you how much EASIER my life has become with making a shake in minutes after a workout, to help me recover, or for an on-the-go breakfast. Who has time to eat a giant breakfast? I don't, but I get all the nutrition I need FAST with my Shakeo in hand!

(If you already have Shakeology, you can get All Access with the Beachbody Performance line instead, and REALLY be able to crush those workouts! Ask me for more details!)

“We need support. WE need folks who will let us try on new ways of being without judging us. We need a hand to pull us up off the ground when we get kicked down in the arena (and if we live a courageous life, that will happen).”

“I’m with you in the arena. And when we fail, we’ll fail together, while daring greatly.’ We simply can’t learn to be more vulnerable and courageous on our own. Sometimes our first and greatest dare is asking for support” (Brene Brown).

This message is for YOU...the one who needs a fresh start...the lonely...the one who wants to BELONG...the one who needs ENCOURAGEMENT and real support. This is for YOU, the one who doubts worthiness...the one who struggles with perfectionism...the one who has started and stopped and started over so many times you can't keep track. This is for YOU. Whoever you are...whatever struggles you are facing...the support and family is here to let you know...You. Are. Enough.

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