Faith, Fitness, & Food Challenge

What if God really did care about what we eat? What if God really did care about that extra cookie or the 5 cans of pop you drink a day? Do you really need to include God in your health journey? God never intended for us to want anything more than we want him. A lot of people rely on food more than God or crave food more than they want God. Food is used for comfort, stress, rewards, depression, and happiness. So how can we really be healthy when we crave food more than we do God? When I first realized this while reading "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst, I knew I needed to make a change and include God in my health journey! Lysa TerKeurst states, "The issue was how I felt mentally, spiritually, and physically. It was time to be honest with myself. I knew certain things about myself needed to change but it was easier to make excuses than it was to tackle them head on. But excuses got me nowhere fast, especially when it came to healthy eating." HEALTH means...