Daring Greatly Challenge

Losing weight is not complicated. We MAKE it complicated. All kinds of marketing companies tell us you need to do low-fat, low-carb, no carb, micros, micros, ....how on EARTH are we supposed to know what to do? We've been told "eat right and exercise" for years. The problem has never been the WHAT, it's always been the HOW. Instead of making it complicated by counting points, calories, or anything else, there is a whole system that uses whole foods (foods closest to the earth) and portion control (clearly defined amounts) to make eating EASY again. "Exercise" no longer equals "gym." Now, you can work out at home, outside, at the gym...anywhere! So, if clearly defined systems are available to make it EASY, why do SO MANY people still struggle with being overweight? Now, it's not the HOW, but the WHY. Too many of us are afraid to DARE. We hold back out of FEAR. We don't want to open up, be vulnerable about our struggles, or ASK fo...