Favorite Oatmeal
I absolutely love Oatmeal, which is crazy because if you asked me five years ago, I wouldn’t touch the stuff. I had no clue what I was missing out. Oatmeal is a great lean carb that gives your body energy to do normal day activities or even more energy to workout. Carbs are great for your body, just make sure you eat the good ones, not the bad ones. I love old fashioned rolled oats, they are easy to make and turn out every time. I love my oats thick without any water or milk left in them. When you make them, you can make them runny by adding more liquid to them.
Favorite Oatmeal
1 cup of old-fashioned rolled oats
2 cups of water
Dash of salt to taste
Optional Toppings
- tbsp. of PB
- tbsp. of chocolate chips
- dash of cinnamon to taste
- 1 cup of fruit
Boil 2 cups of water in a medium saucepan and add salt. When boiling stir in 1 cup of dried oats and turn down the heat. After ten minutes, take oatmeal off the burner, cover, and let it set for five minutes. Add toppings and enjoy!
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