Do you trust God?

Do you trust God? Trusting God can be difficult at times especially when you want to rely on your own reasoning. But what happens when we don't have trust in him? We fear. Have you were heard the quote, "Everything you want is on the other side of fear?" When we fear, we don't change, we don't take risks and that limits us. If we never change or challenge ourselves to become better or do things we have never done--life will never get better nor will you get what you want. You will not reach your goals if you never do what you need to do to reach them. When we fear, we are questioning chances that God gives us, but if we trust in him and do not fear, we have this amazing sense of power, love, and self disciple. (2 Timothy 1:7) Live fearlessly and trust in God. Takes chances. Take risks. Challenge yourself. AND DO NOT FEAR.